Friday, 27 November 2009

A day of rest (part three)

Tonight will be my first Shabbat in Jerusalem since I arrived and I will spend it with good friends. I can tell you something, I am really looking forward to getting into the spirit of Shabbat.


Shabbat is the day of rest, Chabad calls it "an island in time." It is the day when you are supposed to stop all involvement with the physical world and turn your focus inward, to your inner self, to spirituality. It is the most sacred day in the Jewish calendar (other than Yom Kippur, the day of atonement). I think Shabbat is a terrific ritual. I love the idea that one day a week is dedicated solely to spirituality.

These past few days have been testing. My heart feels heavy. I have struggled to find hope within the borders of Jerusalem. I will share more of my experiences, but for tonight, I am going to soak up some Shabbos soul.

34 days to go...


  1. Thanks for including me-this is the first i've received-i'm not even sure where in cyberspace this comment goes but have a spiritual Shabbat and when we ask for the angels to accompany us home from shule we'll ask them to do an extra trip in Jerusalem!! Love you my darling,look after yourself ,Max.

  2. Shabbat shalom Ca,
    Hope you enjoy your day of rest. Jerusalem is the best place in the world to celebrate Shabbat and I've found that its only once you've had a spiritual and inspirational Shabbat in Jerusalem that you realize what a peaceful Israel would feel like.
    Here's to hoping that all of Israel can one day feel what its like to spend Shabbat in Jerusalem.

    On a side was Thanksgiving last Thursday in the states and we are celebrating it at home with 13 of our friends tonight...Turkey, stuffing, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, coconut custard pie and cherry pie all included.

    Love ya,

    PS: Can you add Guy Olian tro your list -
